Why Does My Dog Keep Gagging But Not Throwing Up?

When there are changes in your dog’s behavior, it can cause a panic if you do not know what the cause is. If you notice that your dog has started gagging but not throwing up, this can be due to several reasons.

Making sure that your dog is okay is your priority, but why are they gagging but not throwing up?

Checking with your veterinarian is important if there are changes in your dog’s behavior as you want to make sure that they receive the right care. Gagging can be a sign of various conditions, so you need to make sure that they are receiving care for the right condition so they feel better. 

This article will explain why your dog is gagging without throwing up and will tell you what this can be an indication of. Find out more about why your dog is gagging below and what could be the cause. 

Why Does My Dog Keep Gagging But Not Throwing Up?

When your dog starts to indicate that there might be a problem, it can cause you to panic, especially if you are a first-time dog owner.

Gagging is a sign that your dog is suffering from a health issue, so you want to get to the bottom of it immediately. A veterinarian will be able to help provide your dog with medication, but what could be the cause? 

Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is an extremely contagious illness that is spread through dogs through bacteria and viruses. The longer that kennel cough is left, the more severe it gets, so it is important to make sure that you take your dog to a veterinarian immediately for treatment. 

Gagging is one of the most common symptoms of kennel cough, but your dog can also show symptoms like nasal discharge and white discharge. Your dog will sound jammed when they are gagging, which is a clear indication that they need help from a veterinarian instantly.

Parasites In The Intestines

It is very common for dogs to pick up parasites as they are very vulnerable to them, so gagging can be an indication that they are suffering from intestinal parasites. The parasites will irritate once they enter the air sacs, which brings on gagging and retching without throwing up. 

If you suspect that your dog is suffering from these parasites, you need to take them to a veterinarian immediately. You can also prevent intestinal parasites by giving your dog heartworm medicine as they repel parasites and fleas. 

Nasal Infection

When your dog has a nasal infection (see also ‘Why Do Dogs Shake Their Heads?‘) like sinusitis or rhinitis, it can cause them to gag. Nasal infections can be caused by viral infections, and you can tell if this is what your dog is suffering from as it will cause them to gag and snort. 

A veterinarian will provide the right medication for a nasal infection for your dog to help it clear up, so do not try treating it yourself. You can ease the irritation for your dog by using a humidifier, but get the right medication from the veterinarian to clear the infection. 

Something Lodged In Your Dog’s Throat

If your dog is gagging but isn’t throwing up, there is a chance that there is something lodged in its throat. It could be a toy, some material, or food, but if there is something lodged, it will cause your dog to gag to try to move it. 

Leaving dog toys lying around can be a hazard as your dog can rip them up and it can cause pieces to become stuck in their throat. If this is the case, take your dog to an emergency veterinarian. The longer the object is left, the more serious the condition will become. 

Heart Disease

When your dog becomes older, the chances of experiencing heart disease are more likely. The heart will become weaker with age, so breathing can start to become an issue for your dog.

There are several heart disease symptoms to be aware of, and gagging is one of them, along with difficulty breathing, coughing, and fatigue. 

Speaking to your veterinarian will allow you to discuss medications for your dog to help them with heart disease. Make sure that you speak to your veterinarian to help your dog feel more comfortable. 

How To Prevent Dogs Gagging

There are certain things that you can do to prevent your dog from gagging, such as not leaving objects around on the floor. This will prevent your dog from eating something that could get stuck in its throat.

Clear the floors and keep an eye on what your dog is doing to avoid them eating large chunks that could become lodged. 

Why Does My Dog Keep Gagging But Not Throwing Up (1)

You should always check your dog’s stools to look out for any abnormalities. If your dog has parasites, they will be present in their stools. Any stool abnormalities should be reported to the veterinarian so that they can do an examination of your dog and treat any conditions present. 

It is also important to take your dog for a regular check-up at the veterinarian’s office. This will allow the veterinarian to regularly assess your dog’s health and check for any abnormalities that may need to be treated.

This will prevent any conditions from worsening and they can be treated before they become more severe. 

Final Thoughts

To conclude, there are several reasons why your dog is gagging but not throwing up. The reasons can vary from your dog having something in its throat to having a nasal infection, but it is important to get it checked out at the veterinarian’s office as you do not want the condition to worsen.

If the condition worsens, it will be more difficult to treat, so make sure that you seek help from a veterinarian immediately. You can prevent your dog from gagging by keeping the floors clear and by regularly taking them to the veterinarian for a check-up.

This will protect your dog and make sure that any conditions are caught early and treated properly.

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