Kiwis are succulent fruits that are delightful to eat and provide a wealth of health benefits. There is more vitamin C in a single kiwi than there is in an orange, and it also contains more potassium than in a banana.
Kiwis are a fruit that can be purchased at any time of the year, and they’re a healthy snack that people love. But have you ever wondered whether they are a safe treat (see also ‘Why you should never feed your dog rawhide‘) for your dogs?
In this article, we will cover everything that you need to know about giving kiwi and other fruits to your pet.
Can I Feed My Dog Kiwi?
Because kiwis are such little fruits, it is not a good idea to offer one to your dog in its whole because of the risk of choking.
Even though smaller dog types, such as the Havanese, won’t be able to fit a whole kiwi in their jaws, larger dog breeds, such as the Golden Retriever, could be able to finish it off with just one bite.
If this happens, the fruit might potentially become lodged in your dog’s throat, which would prevent them from being able to breathe normally.
If you don’t want your dog to get into a situation that might endanger them, you should cut the kiwi fruit into little pieces and only offer them a very small quantity at a time.
When introducing anything new to your dog, but especially food from people, you should always start gently so you can evaluate how they will respond. This is especially important when introducing new foods.
Some dogs genuinely can’t eat anything other than their food. Even though dogs have experienced evolutionary changes that have made them able to eat the things that people do, not all canines can readily digest the sweets that we like to offer them.
In addition to the center of the kiwi fruit, the thick skin that surrounds the fruit also contains a significant amount of insoluble fiber called roughage. Because of this, the intestines are stimulated, and as a result, the food will go through their bodies a lot faster than usual.
If a dog consumes a diet that is high in fiber, their digestive tract may get upset, and they may also develop severe diarrhea as a result. Even though the skin of a kiwi may be digested, it is strongly suggested that you remove it before feeding any kiwi fruit to your dog.
While kiwis are very healthy fruit for humans, you may be wondering whether the same benefits can be seen in dogs. Sadly, the answer is no. While kiwis are a nice snack for dogs, they will experience little to no health benefits.
This is because humans and dogs do not have the same nutritional requirements. You must make sure that you are not overdoing it on the kiwi treats though. It is essential to bear in mind that the health benefits of this fruit are far more for people than they are for dogs, and so too much could make them feel a bit unwell.
A kiwi is a fine great for your dog, so long as you are also feeding them a healthy diet of foods packed with nutrients.
You should always attempt to acquire your veterinarian’s advice before giving your dog something new.
What Other Fruits Can I Give My Dog?
There is a wide range of fruit that our dogs are free to try without any risk to their health. On the other hand, considering that the vast majority of fruits contain far more sugar than vegetables, you should try to save them as a treat for times.
Make sure that the fruits you give your dog are plain, without any sugar or chocolate coatings, and that they are sliced into bite-sized pieces. This will prevent your dog from choking on them.

If you wish to treat your dog to a piece of fruit, you should do it in addition to the food that they normally eat.
Here are a few of the fruits that are safe for dogs, and how to prepare them for your pet:
- Apples – have had the cores removed and the seeds removed.
- Bananas – only in extremely small amounts due to the significant amount of sugar that is in this fruit.
- Blueberries
- Cranberries – offer several health benefits to canines, even though some of them may not love the flavor of these berries.
- Mango – cut it in half lengthwise. Remove the rough stone and pit from the mango.
- Nectarine – you must first remove the stone or pit from the fruit.
- Orange – first peel it and then remove any seeds it may have.
- Peach – take the stone out, often known as the pit.
- Pears – remove the seeds, core, and pit from the center of the pear.
- Pineapple – take the skin off before eating it.
- Strawberries – while they are safe for dogs to eat, they contain a lot of sugar which is very unhealthy. You should only give them to your pet as an extra special treat.
- Watermelon – peel them and scoop out the seeds.
What Vegetables Are Safe For Dogs?
A few vegetables are okay for our dogs to eat (but remember, a little for us is a lot for them, so keep reward quantities low!).
Vegetables should be served raw or boiled/steamed, with no extra fats, butter, or spices. Always cut it into little pieces to prevent choking and feed it sparingly, particularly if your dog is not accustomed to eating fresh veggies.
Dog-safe vegetables include:
- Raw or steamed broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Many dogs love raw carrots, although cooked carrots are also safe
- Celery
- Uncooked, steaming, or boiled green beans
- Peas, including sugar snap peas, garden peas, and mangetout. However, canned peas should be avoided.
Several fruits are safe for dogs to eat, including kiwis. The issue is that a lot of fruits have a very high sugar content, which is pretty unhealthy for dogs. If you are going to give your dog fruit, then save them for treat time.